Ayurvedic Hair Care

Natural Hair Growth Oils: Your Ultimate Guide to Luscious Locks

Natural Hair Growth Oils: Your Ultimate Guide to Luscious Locks

The journey to good hair and a nourished scalp often involves navigating a large number of products, each claiming to provide transformative results. So, this article delves into a detailed exploration of the right natural hair growth oils for you, dissecting their efficacy, unravelling the science behind hair growth, seeking professional insights from industry experts, and addressing common concerns.

Hair, a symbol of individuality and vitality, undergoes various challenges, from thinning, hair loss and slow growth to environmental stressors that can leave it dry and damaged. Achieving luscious locks and maintaining a healthy scalp is a universal desire, and the allure of natural hair growth oils has captured the attention of people trying to nurture healthy, shiny and voluminous locks that exude beauty and vibrance!

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The Science Behind Hair Growth

Before delving into specifics about hair growth oil, it's essential to understand the science of new hair growth. The key players here are hair follicles, tiny structures in your skin that act as the architects of your hair's health and beauty. They decide the thickness and overall well-being of your hair. 

Picture your hair growth as a three-step dance: growth, transition, and rest. Natural hair growth oil plays a supporting role, particularly during the growth phase for healthier hair, making sure your hair stays vibrant and strong, and you get the healthier hair you deserve. These oils are like nutrient-rich juicy treats for your hair follicles, delivering essential active ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, minerals, and antioxidants. They keep your scalp healthy, enhance blood flow, and act as a shield against everyday stress and pollutants. 

In simpler terms, natural hair growth oil provides the care your hair roots need, promoting healthier and stronger hair and making it an essential part of a healthy hair routine.

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Understanding Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is a common and widespread problem, often stemming from a multitude of factors ranging from lifestyle choices, genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, and external factors such as excessive styling, use of heat or environmental stressors. Individuals grappling with thinning hair often are ready to go the whole hog, seeking solutions that not only address the symptom but also nourish and fortify the hair for long-term resilience and teat the scalp gently. 


There are specific oils like peppermint oil, lavender oil and cedarwood oil that are renowned for their efficacy in combating thinning hair, and offering a nourishing embrace to revitalize your locks. Create a blend with a few drops of your chosen oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil, and gently massage your scalp using circular motions. But if you are looking for the best results while having to invest less time in it, and more efficacy then what's better than Shankara's Signature Hair and Scalp Oil which is made from a power-packed blend of the said oils along with multiple other high-potency active ingredients that are plant-based, sustainably sourced, highly effective and give specific outcomes.


The unique formulation of Shankara Hair and Scalp Oil addresses the complex nature of thinning hair and stands as a testament to the potential of natural choices in remedying the many problem areas of hair thinning. Amla and bringraj work synergistically to nourish the scalp and revitalize dormant follicles, promoting healthier and fuller-looking hair. Sandalwood's inclusion not only contributes to the product's aromatic allure but also soothes the scalp, creating an optimal environment for robust hair growth.

It also contains sesame oil (that prevents greying, is coming and antimicrobial); avocado oil (contains fatty acids that repair cuticles and prevent damage); jojoba oil (moisturizes, promotes hair growth, repairs hair damage, non-comedogenic); vitamin E Tocopherol; Saraswati Churna extract9is deeply relaxing); lavender oil(strengthens the follicles and supports hair growth); Gotu Kola extract (helps treat itching, dandruff issues, and infections, nourishes thicker and shinier hair); cedarwood oil; clary sage oil (balances production of oil in the scalp, improves circulation, controls hair loss); coriander seed oil; and rosemary oil (revitalizes the hair roots thus promoting hair growth, rich in anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties.)


What are Natural Hair Growth Oils?


Natural hair growth oils come from plant-derived extracts known for their ability to promote hair growth, improve hair health, and nourish the scalp. These oils are a popular choice in hair care routines, valued for their natural composition and the benefits they offer to the overall well-being of hair. The key characteristics of natural hair growth oils include being rich in nutrients that aid in promoting blood circulation, with moisturizing properties as well as a composition that helps with hair damage reduction! 

Choosing the Right Natural Hair Growth Oil

Selecting the ideal hair growth oil requires thoughtful consideration of your hair type, specific requirements, and the composition of the chosen product. 

Look for oils that align with your hair's unique needs, whether it's addressing dryness, promoting thickness, or enhancing overall health. Understanding your hair type – whether it's straight, curly, oily, or dry – guides the selection process. 

Additionally, consider the ingredients; for instance, oils rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to scalp health and hair strength. Experimenting with different oils and observing how your hair responds will help you discover the most suitable option for your hair care routine.

Shankara Hair and Scalp Oil, as a natural hair growth oil, stands out, blending the potent properties of amla, bringraj, and sandalwood. This unique combination not only addresses a spectrum of hair types but also brings a versatile solution that goes beyond mere growth, promoting overall hair health and radiance. 

Best Natural Oils for Hair Growth

Navigating the many options in the market, the quest for the best natural hair growth oil often leads to a selection of top oils backed by scientific claims and user testimonials. Among these, the following five oils stand out for their proven efficacy in promoting hair growth and enhancing overall hair health:

castor oil plant, leaves, plant

Castor Oil

Renowned for its ricinoleic acid content, castor oil promotes blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring better nutrient delivery to hair follicles. This, in turn, encourages hair growth and strengthens strands.

Coconut Oil:


coconut oil, oil, white

Packed with essential fatty acids, coconut oil penetrates hair shafts, reducing protein loss. Its moisturizing properties combat dryness, contributing to healthier, more resilient hair.

Argan Oil:


argan, oil, morocco

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, argan oil nourishes the scalp and promotes overall hair health. It also helps in taming frizz and preventing split ends.

Jojoba Oil:


calendula officinalis, calendula petals, jojoba oil

Known for its similarity to the natural oils produced by the scalp, jojoba oil is easily absorbed. It conditions the hair, prevents breakage, and fosters a healthy scalp environment.

Rosemary Oil:

Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth by improving circulation. It also addresses dandruff and flaking issues and strengthens hair from the roots, promoting a fuller and healthier mane.


The Power of Ayurvedic Ingredients

Ayurvedic ingredients have long been revered for their holistic benefits, and it is no surprise that their potency extends into the realm of hair care. Here, we explore the top five Ayurvedic ingredients that wield transformative powers in promoting hair growth:


indian gooseberry, amla, nature

Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, amla nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and promotes healthy hair growth. Its antimicrobial properties also contribute to a cleaner and healthier scalp.

Bhringraj (Eclipta Prostrata):


Known as the "king of herbs" for hair, bhringraj is revered in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating properties. It stimulates hair follicles, promotes blood circulation in the scalp, and helps prevent premature greying.



With antifungal and antibacterial properties, neem addresses scalp issues like dandruff and irritation from dry scalp. It helps maintain a clean and balanced scalp environment, fostering optimal conditions for hair growth.

Brahmi (Gotu Kola):


Brahmi is celebrated for its ability to strengthen hair roots and reduce hair loss. It nourishes the hair follicles and calms the mind, promoting an overall sense of well-being that contributes to healthy hair.

Fenugreek (Methi):


fenugreek, methi tea leaves, fenugreek leaves

Fenugreek seeds are rich in proteins and nicotinic acid, which are known to strengthen hair and encourage hair growth. They also help in moisturizing the hair, preventing dryness and breakage.

These Ayurvedic ingredients are thoughtfully combined in hair growth oils and it is due to their holistic nature that these natural ingredients work in synergy, helping those seeking to nurture their hair in a natural and time-tested manner.

Applying Hair Growth Oils



It's not just about the oil; the application matters too. Beyond the mere application, applying natural hair growth oils maximizes the benefits for both hair and mind. 


Begin by parting your hair into sections, ensuring even distribution of the oil. Using fingertips, gently massage a few drops of the oil into the scalp in circular motions. Massaging not only stimulates blood circulation but also ensures the oil reaches the hair follicles, promoting nourishment from root to tip. 


Take a moment to indulge in a soothing scalp massage, allowing the oil's essence to penetrate deeply. For optimal absorption, wrap your hair in a warm towel or cover it with a shower cap. This creates a gentle heat, opening up the hair cuticles and allowing the oil to seep in. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes, or ideally, overnight for an intensive treatment. 

Finally, cleanse your hair with a mild, natural shampoo, revelling in the luxurious feeling of well-nourished and revitalized locks. 

The application ritual also becomes a self-care practice that not only enhances the efficacy of the oil but also becomes a mindful and rejuvenating experience for both your hair and soul, after a long day at work.

Tips for Fast Hair Growth

Achieving fast hair growth involves a combination of practices that go beyond just topical applications. Here, we delve into practical tips and tricks to complement the daily use of natural hair growth oils, fostering an environment conducive to rapid and healthy hair development.


  1. Balanced Diet: The foundation of fast hair growth lies in a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Ensure your meals include a variety of biotin, vitamins A and E, and omega-3 fatty acids that are particularly beneficial.

  2. Scalp Massage: Stimulating blood flow to the scalp through regular massages can enhance nutrient delivery to the hair follicles. Use your fingertips to massage the scalp in circular motions, and consider incorporating natural oils like coconut or jojoba for added nourishment.


  1. Regular Trims: Preventing split ends, trims ensure that your hair remains healthy and robust. Schedule trims every 8-12 weeks to maintain the vitality of your hair.

  2. Gentle Hair Care Practices: Opt for sulfate-free shampoos, avoid excessive heat styling, and minimize tight hairstyles that can cause stress on the hair shaft.

  1. Stay Hydrated: Hydration is fundamental for overall health, including the health of your hair. Drink an adequate amount of water daily to keep your scalp and hair hydrated.

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  1. Quality Sleep: Sleep is crucial for overall well-being, and it also plays a role in hair growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to support healthy hair growth.

  1. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to hair loss. Incorporate stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your routine to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

  2. Consistent Natural Oil Usage: While natural hair growth oils play a pivotal role, consistency is key. Regular and mindful application, as well as choosing oils with proven benefits, contributes to sustained hair health and growth.

The Role of Scalp Massage in Hair Growth

Scalp massages, more than just relaxation, are key to promoting hair growth, especially when combined with natural hair oils. By enhancing blood flow, these massages create a vibrant environment where nutrients mingle with hair follicles, fostering a celebration for your scalp. This simple yet impactful ritual stimulates optimal hair growth, turning a regular routine into a rejuvenating experience for your hair's well-being.

Overcoming Common Hair Issues

Natural hair growth oils offer a versatile solution, going beyond promoting growth to address common hair issues. These oils, rich in moisturizing agents, effectively combat dryness by restoring optimal moisture levels, leaving hair soft and nourished. Additionally, they contribute to split end repair, fortifying the hair shaft and preventing further damage, while their natural conditioning properties control frizz, promoting smoother and more manageable hair. In essence, natural hair oils provide a holistic approach, enhancing overall hair health and appearance.


Safe for Colored Hair

Coloured hair often raises concerns about potential damage from oil applications. However, certain hair oils stand out as safe options for coloured locks. Carefully chosen ingredients, like amla and bringraj, present in Shankara's Hair and Scalp oil not only promote growth but also work harmoniously with coloured hair, preserving its vibrancy. These oils provide a dual-action solution, fostering both growth and colour longevity. 


Side Effects and Allergies

It's essential to be aware of potential side effects and allergies. While natural hair growth oils generally pose minimal risks, individual reactions can vary. Users should be aware of the possibility of mild irritation or allergies and conduct a patch test before widespread application. If unusual reactions occur, discontinuation is advised, and consulting a healthcare professional is recommended.

In conclusion, natural hair growth oils and complementary practices contribute to overall hair health. From addressing common issues to providing a holistic approach, natural hair growth oils offer a versatile and effective means to nurture your hair. Remember, consistency is key in the journey to healthier, more vibrant hair.