Well, there is plenty of good news for those who have been trying to wage a hopeless battle against time in trying to save the last remaining strands of hair, as fears of male pattern baldness give you sleepless nights. Did you know, according to Ayurveda, people with excess pitta dosha (fire and air element), maybe more prone to male pattern baldness than others?
A basic dosha-specific care routine; taking some time out for the right cleanses; changes in diet and mindful changes to lifestyle can go a long way in correcting dosha imbalances that are at the root of your hair loss problem. To know your dosha constitution and zero in on the specific doshas that need to be managed, you can consult senior Ayurveda practitioners here, who can provide you a detailed blueprint of your current health status, along with personalized guidelines on the lifestyle, diet, and activities that suit your constitution and more importantly those that don’t.
The hair root right below the surface of the skin is covered in what is called a hair follicle, and base of the hair follicle is the dermal papilla that contains receptors for male hormones, including androgens, that play a key role in the development of male characteristics. Follicles also receive all the nourishment from the related blood veins. Irregularity of androgens is powerful enough that in people who have a genetic predisposition for male pattern baldness, the sluggish flow of androgens can shrink the hair follicle size and make the hair finer and easy to break.
Each follicle grows and sheds a strand, with the growth that lasts for 2-3 years before the hair falls off, as the follicles enter a resting period, before beginning a new cycle. An average Joe sheds about 75 hair strands every day as a similar number of follicles enters their growth phase. So losing 75 to 100 strands a day is quite normal and there is not much to worry about here. But people with the hair loss problem, have follicles spending less time in their growth phase and as a result, the quality of the hair shaft is thin and prone to damage and breakage. These follicles are also tinnier, by the impact of hormonal changes.
Male pattern baldness can occur due to diseases like plugged or damaged follicles or due to conditions like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or as a side effect of medications containing beta-blockers.
(Also Read: Stress can cause hair to gray rapidly. Here’s what you can do to stop it)
According to one of the oldest healing sciences, Ayurveda, excess of tejas (a byproduct of pitta or fire element) can lead to weak roots and hair follicles. Ayurveda considers hair to be part of asti dhatu or (bone tissues).
Ayurveda also mentions people with a serious imbalance of pitta or excess pitta dosha, are likely to have hair thinning and hair loss issues in their early years. A complete Ayurvedic treatment to douse excess pitta in the system, so they flow in their respective regions in balance, can help you manage the tendency of hair loss too. Ayurveda recommends a combination of herbs, diet, cleanses, detoxes, and mind-body practices including meditation, and breathing, and yoga to tame excess pitta dosha.
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